Unlock huge savings with Veras' Bargain Corner!
We are thrilled to introduce our Bargain Corner! But what exactly is it?
What is the Bargain Corner?
The Bargain Corner is where you'll find products at massively reduced prices. These items might have minor cosmetic imperfections, preventing them from being sold at regular price. Some might be missing their original packaging or washing labels. You'll also find diapers that have previously been rented out featured in this section. Each product's description clearly states the condition of the item, and if it has been used before. Rest assured, none of these slight imperfections affect the product's functionality in any way.
Why the Bargain Corner?
At Veras, we believe in responsible commerce and in minimizing waste. Rather than discarding items that can't be sold at their standard price, we want to ensure they find a home and serve their purpose. That's why we've chosen to offer these items at significantly lower prices – it's a win for us, a win for you, and most importantly, a win for the environment!
What about shipping?
As always, shipping is free within Sweden and 4.95 euros within Europe.