Help – My Child Has Started Eating Solid Foods

When your little one transitions from being exclusively breastfed or consuming formula to the introduction of solid foods, the diaper routine will undergo some changes. This new stage means more than just new exciting foods; it also affects diaper duties.

How to Handle Solid Waste?

The stools of babies who have started solid foods shouldn't be washed in the machine like those of exclusively breastfed/formula-fed babies. Instead, these stools should be flushed down the toilet. If you find it challenging to get the stools into the toilet, here are some handy tricks:

1. Liner Papers (Diaper Liners)

The simplest way is to use what's commonly referred to as liner papers or diaper liners. These thin sheets, usually made of bamboo or rice, are placed closest to the baby's skin inside the diaper. Once the baby soils the diaper, you can easily lift the liner out, shake off the stool into the toilet, and dispose of the liner. Always remember to throw away the liner in the trash. Do not flush it down the toilet. If the liner is not soiled with stools, you can reuse it.

2. Use a Knife

If you're not inclined to use liner papers, an ordinary knife, such as a plastic butter knife, can be effective in scraping off the stool from the diapers. Many parents keep a designated "diaper knife" stored near the toilet brush for this purpose.

Awaiting Laundry

Your diaper handling routine might need slight adjustments before the laundry time.

Previously, if you merely tossed the diapers into the diaper bag/laundry bag, you might now want to rinse them before placing them in the bag. Ensure the diapers are properly dried before putting them into the bag. However, it's not strictly necessary to rinse the diapers; they can be put directly into the wash after the stool has been flushed.

Pro Tip! Pop the diapers into the washing machine during diaper changes and run a rinse cycle in the evening. Hang them to dry overnight. The next morning, place the dried diapers back in the diaper bag. This routine can help in minimizing any unpleasant odors. Then, proceed to wash them as usual every third day.

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